
Super A Replica Replica Hermes Birkin 25CM Tote Bags Togo Leather Dark Grey Godlen 60799


Item Name: Super A Replica Replica Hermes Birkin 25CM Tote Bags Togo Leather Dark Grey Godlen 60799

- Hermes Paris made in France embossed on front of bag under 'flap'.
- Palladium Godlen hardware lock and keys.
- Hermes Paris embossed on the hardware.
- 4 palladium feet at the bottom to protect your treasure each time you set her down.

Size: 9.8" x 7.5" x 5" (W25 x H20 x D13cm)
Hermes Birkin 25CM Tote Bags Togo Leather Dark Grey Godlen 60799 Comes with: hermes dust bag,serial number and hermes cards etc.All markings and accessories are exact.

Hermes is really a People from france Hermes Handbags For Sale enterprise launched around 1837 simply by Thierry Hermes. Initially, that specific only with saddles along with synthetic leather items. Inside Nineteen thirty the organization presented the initial birkin bag females series, including a buckskin bags for the purpose Hermes is now famous. This got in excess of 2 decades on the other hand prior to the bag got any kind of true accomplishment, using actor Marilyn kelly hermes bag monroe making popular these folks with 1957.

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  • Model: Hermes-Birkin-25CM-Tote-Bags-Togo-Leather-Dark-Grey-Godlen-60799