
Replica Hermes Birkin 40CM Crocodile Veins Leather Bag Black 6099 Online


Item Name: Replica Hermes Birkin 40CM Crocodile Veins Leather Bag Black 6099

- Hermes Paris made in France embossed on front of bag under 'flap'
- Palladium gold hardware lock and keys
- Hermes Paris embossed on the hardware
- 4 palladium feet at the bottom to protect your treasure each time you set her down
- Color: Black

Size: W15.4" x H10.2" x D7.8" (W40 x H26 x D20 CM)
This Hermes Birkin 40CM Crocodile Veins Leather Bag Black 6099 comes with: Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,rain protection,tags ,not including Hermes Box.

The initial Hermes bag was made in 1922 by Emile-Maurice Hermes Handbags For Sale. He began the position of making Hermes bags when his wife couldn't look for a suitable one. And till date, a Hermes bag is recognized as a standing symbol by itself. Hermes bags are hermes bag birkin produced by craft persons who focus on one handbag at the same time, hand-stitching every individual piece. Hermes bags are constructed with rare materials, sometimes including exotic skins and also kelly hermes bag silver and gold coins. A Hermes bag takes 18-24 hours to make.
Our website enjoys good reputation in offering replica handbags .And we are known for the excellent craftsmanship and chic sense of style.Our quality is superior to others and the price is lower .We are your loyal friend to offer best goods.
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