
Replica Hermes Birkin 30CM Ostrich Veins Handbag Pink 6088 On Sale


Item Name: Replica Hermes Birkin 30CM Ostrich Veins Handbag Pink 6088

- Same color line with the bag's cplor
- Hermes Paris made in France embossed on front of bag under flap.
- Palladium gold hardware lock and keys.
- Hermes Paris embossed on the hardware.
- 4 palladium feet at the bottom to protect your treasure each time you set her down.
- Color: Pink

Size: W11.8" x H9.1" x D6.3" (W30 x H23 x D16 CM)
This Hermes Birkin 30CM Ostrich Veins Handbag Pink 6088 comes with: Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,rain protection,tags,not including Hermes Box(the hermes box need addtional 30USD,if you want the box,please tell us in your order.

The brand image of Hermes is made on its continual in top notch, theory in hermes birkin price high quality and also the unique France design. Therefore the fashion components were integrated into the muse. This is why it's products hold the timeless glamour. Hermes dedicates that you can maintaining the classical and quality using the combining the superior craftsmanship, replica hermes bags durable functions while using concision, elegant and fragile design. Thierry Hermes is not just the symbol of identity and status, but also in hermes wallets addition the fashion goods that could make your lifetime always be fresh new and don't fogy.
Welcome to retail or wholesale our high quality replica hermes birkin 30cm bags,what you will receive is just the pictures you see here!
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  • Model: Hermes-Birkin-30CM-Ostrich-Veins-Handbag-Pink-6088_28