
Replica Hermes Birkin 30CM Crocodile Veins Bag Yellow 6088 On Sale


Item Name: Replica Hermes Birkin 30CM Crocodile Veins Bag Yellow 6088

- Hermes Paris made in France embossed on front of bag under flap.
- Gold Palladium hardware lock and keys.
- Hermes Paris embossed on the hardware.
- 4 palladium feet at the bottom to protect your treasure each time you set her down.
- Color: Yellow

Size: W11.8" x H9.1" x D6.3" (W30 x H23 x D16 CM)
This Hermes Birkin 30CM Crocodile Veins Bag Yellow 6088 comes with: Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,rain protection,tags,not including Hermes Box(the hermes box need addtional 30USD,if you want the box,please tell us in your order.

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  • Model: Hermes-Birkin-30CM-Crocodile-Veins-Bag-Yellow-6088_23