
High Quality Replica Hermes Bolide Togo Leather Tote Bag Peach 509084


Replica Hermes Bolide Togo Leather Tote Bag Peach 509084 Details:
- Togo Leather
- Silver palladium hardware
- Stitching accents the opening and the handles
- Zip top closure
- Fully lined in leather with a patch pocket
- Hermes Paris Made In France ebossed inside
- 5 silver palladium feet at the base
- Detachable shoulder strap
- Color: Peach

Size: W13.4" x H9.8" x D5.3" (W34 x H25 x D13.5cm)
Shoulder Handle:3.5"(9cm)
This Hermes Bolide Togo Leather Tote Bag Peach 509084 comes with: Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,rain protection,not including Hermes Box.

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  • Model: Hermes-Bolide-Togo-Leather-Tote-Bag-Peach-509084_4

Customer Reviews:

by Margaux Bossieux Date Added: 09/20/2012
High quality!!I love peach color and i'm very happy to get this hermes bolide tote bag,leathr is good and hardware is beautiful.Thanks !!

Rating: 5 of 5 Stars [5 of 5 Stars]