
High Quality Fake Hermes Birkin 35CM Pearl Veins Leather Bag Green 6089


Item Name: Fake Hermes Birkin 35CM Pearl Veins Leather Bag Green 6089

- Made of Pearl Veins leather
- Gold Palladium hardware
- Hermes Paris made in France embossed under the front flap
- Including 4 gold feet on the bottom of the bag
- Color: Green

Size: W13.4" x H10.6" x D6.6" (W35 x H27 x D17 CM)
This Hermes Birkin 35CM Pearl Veins Leather Bag Green 6089 comes with: Hermes lock,keys,care booklet,Hermes card,Hermes dusty bag,not including Hermes Box.

Both brands of handbags are handmade in limited quantities. You Cheapest Hermes Birkin typically cannot simply part of a Herme's store and get either handbags there. Initially, you need to turned into a Hermes customer, and then suggest an enquiry to be on a waiting hermes birkin bag list. The waiting list of hermes wallet is generally around per year, though the Birkin's can be up to 3 years.
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