
Fake & Replica Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Purple 509060


Item Name: Fake & Replica Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Purple 509060

- Double shoulder handles.
- The shape is cubic.
- Four studs base.
- Hook Buckles strap closure.
- Color: Purple

Size: W8.5" x H8.5" x D7.1" (W21.5 X H21.5 X D18cm)
Shoulder handle: 6.7"(17cm)
This Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Purple 509060 comes with:Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,tags,not including Hermes Box.
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Hermes, with its long and glorious past, has entered into the new century. In the hermes birkin handbags world of fashion, the brand name Hermes means nobleness, vogue and wealthiness. Hermes bags would be the most exclusive bags on the globe. Hermes bags are skillfully crafted, constructed with careful expertise. Furthermore, these bags are manufactured right out of the most durable materials, ensuring the longevity in the hermes picotin. In relation to one of the most coveted, most costly and quite a few valuable handbag on earth, no other than Hermes bag could be crowned using this type of reputation. Its beauty and magnificence wins your ex initially sight. The rich material and exquisite craftsmanship ensure it is hard for you to put your hermes belt hands off. It is true that Hermes bag stands prominently most importantly another luxury brand bags. Like a divine queen, sitting on a throne, proudly ruling the style kingdom.

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  • Model: Hermes-Picotin-Double-Shoulder-Bag-Purple-509060