
Fake & Replica Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Grey 509060


Item Name: Fake & Replica Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Grey 509060

- Double shoulder handles.
- The shape is cubic.
- Four studs base.
- Hook Buckles strap closure.
- Color: Grey

Size: W8.5" x H8.5" x D7.1" (W21.5 X H21.5 X D18cm)
Shoulder handle: 6.7"(17cm)
This Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Grey 509060 comes with:Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,tags,not including Hermes Box.
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The Hermes Birkin bag now is available in various styles and colors. Another popular hermes birkin handbags for your Hermes collection that's tougher to find is the Hermes Kelly bag, which was named after Lana turner, an American actress who was simply renamed Princess of Monaco. The Kelly bags first original form was introduced in1930 however it was only before 50"s when Marilyn monroe used a Hermes bag to shield herself hermes picotin bag from the paparazzi the bag was redesigned and named after her. The gorgeous tailoring and its particular wide appeal allow it to be popular amongst fashion lovers. Prices with this exclusive bag rely on the material in which it has been made from. The locksmith detailing hermes kelly handbag in the bag allows the bag to be functional stylish and secure.

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  • Model: Hermes-Picotin-Double-Shoulder-Bag-Grey-509060