
Fake & Replica Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Green 509060


Item Name: Fake & Replica Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Green 509060

- Double shoulder handles.
- The shape is cubic.
- Four studs base.
- Hook Buckles strap closure.
- Color: Green

Size: W8.5" x H8.5" x D7.1" (W21.5 X H21.5 X D18cm)
Shoulder handle: 6.7"(17cm)
This Hermes Picotin Double Shoulder Bag Green 509060 comes with:Hermes lock,keys,clochette,sleepers,care booklet,tags,not including Hermes Box.
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  • Model: Hermes-Picotin-Double-Shoulder-Bag-Green-509060