
7A Hermes Constance Togo Leather Single Bag Off-White Silver Hardware H020


Replica Hermes Constance Togo Leather Single Bag Off-White Silver Hardware H020 Details
:- Datchable shoulder strap.
- Made of togo leather .
- "Hermes Paris made in France" embossed under the front flap.
- Single leather shoulder handle.
- Fully lined in leather with open pockets.
- Color: Off-White

Size: W8.9" x H7.3" x D2" ( W22.5 x H18.5 x D5 CM )
This Hermes Constance Togo Leather Single Bag Off-White Silver Hardware H020 comes with: Hermes care booklet,tags,Hermes dust bag,Hermes card.

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  • Model: Hermes-Constance-Togo-Leather-Single-Bag-Off-White-Silver-Hardware-H020_3