Zealbag.ru is a global online replica handbags retailer & wholesaler with an affordable item for every hobby and lifestyle. We mainly offer 1:1 copy high quality(called 7A or AAA) luxury replica brands such as hermes, louis vuitton, chanel, gucci, fendi, balenciaga, goyard etc. Available worldwide at unbeatable prices. So you will spend the lowest prices to get high quality and excellent discount bag, wallets, shoes and so on. We can also supply other bags which can not be finded on our website.
Fast Fedex/EMS/DHL Shipment
We use DHL express your goods to Netherlands, France ect. It is safer for these countries: 85usd for 1 or 2 items, add 25usd/pcs based on 85usd shipping fee.
EMS/Fedex express to USA, Canada, Australia, Asia, New Zealand and others:There will be extra usd35 as shipping fee if order 1 or 2 items, and plus additional usd10 for each one more items based on usd35 shipping fee for most countries !Large backpack or luggage needs extra 30-60USD.
Easy and Safe Online Shopping
We accept credit card, western union, money gram payment methods(western union/money gram can enjoy 5% discount for your first order, 10% discount for your subsequent orders).
We protect your information in transit across the Internet with Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) using 128-bit encryption, which complies with Visa security requirements and is the highest level of encryption available in commercial web browsers.
We give our wholesale customer more discount(only for western union/moneygram/TT payments):
1: 5% discount for order over 8000usd
2: 8% discount for order over 10000usd
3: 10% discount for order over 15000usd
4: 15% discount for order over 20000usd
Please contact us for more attractive discount if you are our VIP replicas wholesale customer.
Welcome to purchase replica louis vuitton handbags & fake wallets & luxury shoes on www.zealbag.ru, if any question or assistance, please feel free to tell us via zealbagscom@gmail.com or contact us.
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